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Here’s What Your Kids Need Right Now

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

This is a strange and scary time. The kids are home from school, and you’re home from work. Even if you’re homeschooling, things are different and your kids know it– they can sense it even if they don’t fully understand what’s going on. Depending on their ages, each of your children will understand things at a different level, but they will ALL take their cues from you. It’s the perfect opportunity to begin or continue to lay a good foundation of faith in their lives.

The thing is, if you’re fearful, they will be, too. How’s your own faith? To make a quick assessment, start here:

• Think through all your “what if?” questions, all of those terrifying thoughts that you try to push back but that keep popping up. Go ahead–we’ve all been thinking these thoughts, but we’re hesitant to really confront the fears. What if all those awful things floating in your head were to actually happen?Answer the following, True or False? o God is Love; God loves me.     T   F o I am not in control, but God is.    T   F o I do believe God has a purpose bigger than I can understand, for everything.  T   F o Even if bad things happen, God’s goodness and love do not change—he is ALWAYS good.  T   F o I can trust God, I can trust his word, even if I am afraid, and even if hard things happen.   T   F

Did you answer True to most or all of these? Remind yourself of these truths moment by moment, day by day. If you want your kids to really trust God, you have to start here! If you aren’t sure, the next bullet point will help.

• Read Ps. 107 and Hebrews 12. Both remind us of God’s faithfulness and the fact that we can trust him no matter what. The Scriptures are full of these affirmations of God’s love and care and power for those he loves–don’t leave the Bible unopened!

There is no more important lesson you can teach your children than this! We can’t know what the future holds for our children, but even without things like pandemics we know they’ll eventually face hard times. Use this opportunity to begin preparing them for whatever comes by laying a foundation of deep faith! Make sure your own faith is solid; if you don’t already do it, build yourself up by reading and praying God’s word. As your faith is built, you’ll be better equipped to spend this time with your kids in a way that comforts and strengthens them.

TOMORROW: Specific things to read for yourself, and things to do with your kids!

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