" Welcome! Being a mother is the most demanding, satisfying and rewarding job I have ever had. I want to share with you what I've learned about teaching children and what matters most -cultivating behavior that shows honor and respect to God and others, and providing an atmosphere that fosters growth, imagination, and unfailing love- the kind of love I've found only in my Christian faith."

Parenting Coach
As a young mother I was overwhelmed and frustrated by the demands of my children. I sought advice from friends and read books, but my sister recommended a book by John Rosemond. It offered not only very practical and commonsense strategies, but was also a wake-up call regarding mommy guilt and centering my life around my children.
When the opportunity came to be trained in Leadership Parenting by John Rosemond, I jumped at it. I was initially trained and certified in 2012, and went through the re-certification process in 2019. While I draw on much of what I’ve learned through John, my approach is my own, and is an outgrowth of my Christian faith and my experience as a mother, homeschooler, and classical Christian school teacher and headmaster.
I want to help parents of young children to establish principles of parenting, some of which have gone by the wayside, as our culture has focused on personal fulfillment and psychological solutions. The goal is to cut through some competing cultural messages, regain common sense values and help your family flourish beyond individual autonomy. Recognizing that we are part of a larger community- family and beyond-that benefits by sharing our gifts, to strengthen and encourage each other.

Helping you with strategies to:
Integrate your faith into daily family life.
Make family decisions consistent with your values
Establish routines of respect and love in your home.
Cultivate order and harmony in your family's DNA
Lead with love and consistency
Teach your children the practical skills they will need to live as healthy, independent adults.
Discover your purpose as a parent.

The "How" Of Personal Coaching
First we'll have a brief chat to see if we are a good fit. If so, then I will send you a questionnaire to complete, so I can establish a plan to address your concerns. Our first session will layout the crux of the issue and the strategies to implement -- the how to of that. I'll work with you over 2-4 weeks with instructions.
If you run into a road block or have questions, send a short email or arrange a call.
When you've achieved your first goal or need another strategy, we can schedule our next session. Followed by your third. Each of these sessions will be 45 mins.-2 hours, reinforced with short emails or planned calls.
Coaching can be done over the phone or via Zoom allowing me to work with clients across the US, and the convenience of you not having to leave home (especially at a time of social distancing).
A Little About Me
I grew up in Oklahoma with my parents and three sisters, and got married just after getting my bachelor’s degree in music. I loved being a homemaker and a mother, but it was hard for me, especially at first, because I expected my kids to be naturally compliant. I did NOT anticipate the level of noise and disruption they would bring!
Through prayer, reading, and a good bit of trial and error, I learned that getting my kids to obey wasn’t as complicated as I’d thought --that is-- once I knew where I wanted to go, and how to get there.
My five children are now grown and thriving with their own families. I live with Lucie, my Australian Shepherd, and enjoy reading, visiting my grandchildren, and being part of my church community. My job as a parenting coach gives me great joy as I share my knowledge and help parents, especially mothers, navigate the balance between family life, marriage and faith.
ready to chat?
I'd love to help you solve some of your parenting stresses. If you'd like to see if we are a good fit to work together contact me for personal coaching or group classes.